Diastasis Recti (DR) is when the right and left rectus abdominis muscles (the “six-pack”) separate. This happens most commonly during pregnancy when the linea alba (the connective tissue that holds the right and left six-pack abs together) loosens and thins out slightly due to pregnancy hormones. These hormones are doing their job. Some structures are supposed to loosen and stretch out to make space for your growing bundle of joy. However, sometimes the elasticity in our skin and connective tissue doesn’t bounce back as well as we would hope and the separation does not resolve naturally after birth. That’s okay. Physical therapy is here for you :)
We need our core muscles to work in sync with each other in order to move through life without pain or dysfunction. Because DR is the separation of two major core muscles, the separation weakens the ability of the core muscles to stabilize correctively and can eventually lead to pain and dysfunction including:
Pelvic floor dysfunction
Jeopardized trunk stability and mobility
Low back pain
Pubic symphysis pain
Exaggerated poor posture
Seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist early on in your pregnancy (or even when you are thinking about becoming pregnant) can make a huge difference. Being educated on proper movement techniques to accommodate your growing belly and to prevent injury can aid in preventing DR from becoming an issue that leads to pain and dysfunction down the road.
If you are postpartum and just now learning you have a DR you can see a PT to help learn what exercises you should be doing to help the separation re-approximate and more importantly, what exercises you should avoid to prevent exacerbating the separation. A pelvic floor physical therapist can also teach you taping and movement techniques that you can employ on your own to help speed up your own recovery.
Some women develop DR out of nowhere but here are a few factors that may put you at more risk of developing DR during pregnancy:
You are pregnant later in life
You have decreased muscle tone or are “very flexible
You have a petite body frame
You are having multiples
You have had DR with previous pregnancies
Don’t worry! The good news is that there are skilled professionals out there who can help you navigate the waters of Diastasis Recti.
Contact Verity Physical Therapy & Wellness today to schedule your first session.